Monday, September 1, 2014

Ernest and EJ hobbies feature: Tamiya Mini 4wd MK1

Tamiya Mini 4wd
This week feature an oldie but goodie Tamiya Mini 4wd. It started when a friend of my mom gave me my 1st kit "The boomerang" the thing that got me hooked to Mini 4wd is it's simplicity to assemble and run. The early 80's kit came with motor and until now still powered by 2 AA batteries, no glue required for assembly "snap-on". Back then Mini 4wd was a novelty until some marketing geniuses realized the true potential of the Tamiya scaled down RC modeled toys for kids.

As seen by a fan, not a racer.
During the late 90's the anime show Let's and Go introduced competitive side of Mini 4wd racing. With Hobby shops like JMN's, Lil's, jumping on once obscure running kit's that occupied their shelves. Rental tracks would sprout-out on malls, major sponsors from huge corporations like Magnolia, Toyota, would host year long tournaments. Even small neighborhood venues would conduct races, Mini 4wd or "TAMIYA" became "The" thing. Until the boom of LAN games came crashing on Tamiya parade. All of the sudden the race tracks in mall's started to disappear, major sponsors that once fueled races where now gone, only a few local tracks remained, it was all OVER faster than you can say Let's go...
Real fans of mini 4wd kept the fire alive until today funding tracks, and weekly tournaments. TAMIYA is not dead you just have to ask, research, around. Who know's that obscure OLD mall might be hiding a gem of a track?

Technical evolution
Tamiya Mini 4wd has evolved from the simple SNAP-On toy for kids to something that a serious enthusiast can appreciate. Parts made of carbon fiber, sponge tires, ball bearing for moving parts, etc. ton's of combinations, ton's of hop-up parts for racing, and chassis layouts.

Winning formula
Simplicity, reliability, plus Mini 4wd are dirt cheap hobby to start with. Just go ask the people doing Mountain biking or Airsoft, entry level equipment alone costs 10x what you will be spending on decent Mini 4wd setup-car/cars.

Tamiya's magic
Reviving my love for Mini 4wd because I want my son to learn the value of DIY. He will be assembling a kit by himself, following instructions, while learning how to do basic maintenance and basic setup for the track. He will be using the newest chassis and parts available, he already selected one and we will be purchasing the kit later this month.

EJ has choosen the FESTA JAUNE

Right now I already restored and conducted setup on one of my brothers old chassis. Since it was in storage it accumulated a lot of dirt and crude. Soap, water, and paint thinner in tow managed to clean the plastic chassis, body, gears along with the metal parts (paint thinner) to almost new. Now the next step testing it on a track and hoping that It won't implode on first crash.

Mk2 Next week: The Festa Jaune

Ernest and EJ

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